Thursday, 7 August 2014

Essence BB Cream

So I bought the Essence BB cream in Penny's it was only around €4 so I said I would give it a go. BB Creams have been around a few years now they originated in Asia years ago but have only recently come onto the market here. 

This skincare/makeup combo promises to do the job of five or six other jars and tubes: moisturizer, primer, sunscreen, skin treatment, concealer, and foundation. 

 I've used the L'oreal and Garnier BB creams or Blemish Balms before and haven't found them great to be honest I think they're basically just a tinted moisturiser given a different name and this Essence BB cream hasn't changed my mind. I got the shade natural and it looked slightly dark on my hand seeing as it was lightest shade but when I applied it to my face it pretty much disappeared, it didn't make any difference or look like I was wearing anything, this hasn't converted me to BB creams, I've read good reviews about the Clairins and Clinique ones so I might try one of them next and let you know if they have converted me!


You can see below when it's rubbed in it doesn't really make much of a difference! 

Thanks for reading,

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